Our oil and gas courses are accredited by industry body OPITO and fully meet the standards required. We are regularly audited by OPITO to ensure compliance and high standards of training delivery.
Our OPITO provision covers the Basic and Further Emergency Response Training, as well as specialist courses for further enhancement of skills and knowledge. Our staff delivering these courses have real life experience in the offshore industry.
Our basic safety and survival courses are required if you are working or planning to work in offshore in the oil and gas industry, whatever role you hold.
Many of these courses can be booked online 24/7 by clicking the required course below. You can also contact us on 01253 504800 or offshore@blackpool.ac.uk.
Find out more about working in the offshore industry
The links below provide more information about the industry:
How to become an offshore worker
How to get a job on an oil rig
Shoulder measure
It is a requirement for all helicopter passengers travelling offshore in the UK to have their shoulder width measurements completed by a person registered with OPITO. The purpose of this measurement is to ensure that helicopter passengers are compatible with the nearest underwater escape exit.
We provide this service on campus, subject to booking. If you are booking a course and require this service during your course, please let us know. The fee for this is £40.
Once you have been measured, you will receive a letter confirming your measurements, which you can give to your employer to register the information on Vantage. Alternatively, you can take the letter with you to the heliport.
To find out more or book a shoulder measure, contact us at offshore@blackpool.ac.uk or call 01253 504800.