
Outstanding facilities, expert tutors and an exceptional graduate to employment rate have secured Fleetwood Nautical Campus an international reputation for excellence in Merchant Navy education and training, underpinned by a 130 year history of providing high quality maritime training to industry. Regarded as one of the UK’s top nautical institutions, Fleetwood Nautical Campus offers top-quality further and higher education and maritime apprenticeships. Find out more about Maritime.

Award winning environment

Cadets from Fleetwood Nautical Campus have won the Maritime and Coastguard Agency Officer Trainee of the Year award eleven times in 18 years - an unrivalled achievement in UK maritime education.

What we do

Discover how Fleetwood Nautical Campus can help you begin or advance your career in the maritime industry.

Download our prospectus 

Head to the Careers at Sea website

Watch our short videos

What is the Merchant Navy?

A quick guide to careers in the Merchant Navy

Contact us on 01253 504800 or

Maritime Video

Careers Content


There are plenty of exciting careers in the maritime sector to choose from – both at sea and ashore.  As a Deck (Nautical Science), Marine Engineering or Electro-Technical Officer you could be in charge of operating and managing commercial ships, while becoming a Rating would make the most of your broad seafaring skills – from navigation and engine room maintenance to Catering, Hospitality and other Onboard Services. Download our prospectus and find out more!

For shore-based jobs in ship management and other marine industries, you’ll find incredibly varied and rewarding opportunities such as maritime law, surveying ships or training future seafarers.

Most popular career routes

Deck Cadet | Marine Engineering Cadet | Electro Technical Officer Cadet | Captain | Navigation (Deck) Officer | Engineering Officer | Electro-Technical Officer

Careers Infographic One Figure
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average starting salary Fleetwood Nautical Campus maritime graduates
Careers Infographic Two Figure
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average experienced salary per year (Engineering Officer)
Careers Section Image
Ship captain

What our staff and cadets say

What the shipping companies say

Why choose Fleetwood Nautical Campus?

125+ Years

125+ years' experience

125+ years’ experience of delivering maritime industry education and training


Commendations from QAA

Commendations from The Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education (QAA)

Speech bubbles surrounding a graphical head


Lots of individual support

Head and shoulders graphic

Expert Tutors

Highly qualified tutors with lots of industry experience

Building graphic


Excellent purpose-built facilities, including a new marine engineering centre

Hand shake graphic

Graduate to employment rate

An exceptionally high graduate to employment rate

Canoe graphic

Professional development

Embedded professional development, including an exciting programme of adventure-based training

People graphic

Student body

A richly diverse student body

Ship graphic

Training facilities

Cutting edge training facilities that simulate the industry environment

Virtual Tour

Cadet Experience Content

Cadet experience

We are dedicated to supporting the development of our cadets, from the theory of ship construction and hard skills of fire-fighting through to the ‘soft’ skills everyone needs to work and lead effectively. To this end, we have a dedicated department offering activity-based training and enrichment programmes.

Cadet Development: Activities begin with a programme of activities designed to challenge you and get you thinking about yourself, how you work with others and how you manage tasks.

Activity-Based Training (ABT): All Phase 1 cadets will also participate in a weekly programme of experiential learning activities.

Enrichment: Most evenings and some weekends there will be free or competitively priced activities for students to participate in, which provide an opportunity to relax, have fun, keep fit and meet senior cadets.

Read more

Cadet Experience Image
Student rowing a canoe

Apply for a place!

It's easy to apply - you just need to click on your chosen programme then click on the 'apply' or 'enquire' button.

If you’re applying to a sponsor, visit the Careers at Sea website to find out more about taking the officer route or come to our next Careers Day.

© Blackpool and The Fylde College 2025