Freedom of Information

The Freedom of Information (FOI) Act came into effect on 1 January 2005 to give people the right to request information from organisations that receive public funds, such as local authorities, the Police Force, health services, schools and universities. The legislation is intended to promote better public understanding of how these organisations carry out their duties, why they make the decisions they do, and how they spend tax-payers' money.

B&FC and the FOI Act – your rights and responsibilities

Blackpool and The Fylde College is committed to promoting a culture of openness and accountability and has a duty to help you understand your rights and responsibilities under the FOI legislation and to explain how you can exercise those rights and fulfil your responsibilities:

Everyone, both inside and outside the College, has a right of access to information held by Blackpool and The Fylde College.
The act covers all electronic and paper records and information held by Blackpool and The Fylde College, whether current or archived.
The College must provide the requested information within twenty working days.
There are certain exemptions that determine which information should not be released.

The College Publication Scheme – accessing College information

Under the FOI Act 2000 public authorities must produce a Publication Scheme describing:

the information they will publish
the format in which the information will be published
whether or not the information is available free of charge

The College Publication Scheme is available to download below, it is not an exhaustive list of information held by us. It does, however, describe the types of information that are routinely available and facilitates access to that information.

Requesting alternative formats – College documents, including the Scheme itself, are available in Braille, on audiotape and in some other languages upon request by contacting us in one of the following ways:

Tel: 01253 504356

Please clearly specify the format required when requesting information.

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*The Complete University Guide League Tables 2021

© Blackpool and The Fylde College 2025