Student Spotlight - Hilton

Published on 19/09/2024 by CMCKE

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Hilton aboard ship

Meet Hilton Abrey.

We spoke to Hilton about his current role, what he's studying and his career ambitions.

Who do you work for? On a private yacht.

Tell us about some of the places you have been with work. European countries, the Caribbean, African countries.

What is your role and what does this involve on a day-to-day basis? Running the deck department to meet the boss’s high expectations!

What are you studying at FNC and how will this will this help you in your career? Advanced Certificate in Nautical Science, leading towards the Officer of the Watch Unlimited certificate of competency

Where do you see yourself, career-wise, in 10 years? As Chief Mate on a super yacht with a great rotation schedule!


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