FNC Head attends industry events

Published on 04/10/2024 by CMCKE

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Photos from industry events

Our Head of Campus Captain Neil Atkinson was in London this week attending a series of industry events.

He spoke at a workshop about maritime apprenticeships, alongside representatives from the UK's Merchant Navy Training Board, Serco and Trinity House, discussing collaboration with Australian maritime education partners.

Neil commented:

 "There are clear synergies between the work we are doing here in the UK with maritime apprenticeships and the work our Australian colleagues are doing, which is really positive for the future."

Image top left, from left to right: Kathryn Neilson - MNTB Director and Maritime Skills Commissioner, Neil Atkinson, Dr C.J Manjarres-Wahlberg  - Chair and Director Sea Heritage Trust, Alana Pendrick - TAFE New South Wales and Ryan Cobb - Sea Heritage Trust Indigenous Advisor.

Neil also attended the UK event for Boluda Towage and Boluda Lines. This offered an ideal opportunity to discuss all aspects of training, including maritime apprenticeships, with like minded colleagues from Boluda and also the Chamber of Shipping.

Neil said:

"It was an excellent event, and really pleasing to hear training mentioned in the headline speech, showing Boluda's clear commitment to the training of the next generation of seafarers, including the apprentices currently studying at Fleetwood."

Images from the event above.


To find out more about maritime apprenticeships either as a potential apprentice or an employer in the industry, click here.


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